Impacts > Partners > INCDVB

INCDVB - Victor Babes National Institute of Pathology (Associated Participant)

Founded in 1887, and named after its founder, “Victor Babes” institute is the oldest institute of medical science in Romania, leading research institutes in Romania in the fields of pathology, immunology, genetics, cellular and molecular medicine. The Research Departments (histopathology, immunohistochemistry, molecular diagnosis, immunobiology, immunopathology, experimental models, tumor cells and nucleic acids bank, cytometry, cell biology, molecular biology and radiobiology) have modern facilities and equipment. Research fields of the Pathology Department: immunohistochemistry and molecular biology of malignant tumors (breast, liver, head and neck, lung, colon, lymphoid tissues, kidney and bladder); molecular biology of infectious etiology of diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis, HPV, EBV).  Archived cases ~ 100,000.

Victor Babes National Institute of Pathology (Associated Participant)

  Carmen Ardeleanu