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ICGEB - International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology


Dr. Serena Bonin

The Molecular Histopathology Laboratory has been active in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of DNA and RNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded archive tissues for many years. The group was the first to develop methods to extract RNA from paraffin-embedded tissues in 1991. The principles of this extraction are still used for any laboratory or industrial extraction kit. The lab also developed the first protocol for quantitative analysis of RNA in archive tissues in 1997. It is working in molecular characterization of breast, colon and bladder cancer, and melanoma. Since 2001 its interest in proteomics of tumors has steadily increased. New protocols have been developed for extraction of proteins from new fixative treated tissues, and such protocols are now used for research projects based on protein two-dimensional electrophoresis of colorectal and liver cancer tissues. The Laboratory is now working in the development of new protocols for rapid extraction of biomolecules from new fixative-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues.

Instrumentation: DNA thermocyclers, equipment for nucleic acids hybridization, two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western Blot analysis. The laboratory has also access to the instrumentation of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the University of Trieste and of the International Centre of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Experienced Researchers: Prof. Giorgio Stanta, Leader of Molecular Histopathology Laboratory, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biothechnology, Trieste, Italy; functional genomics and proteomics analysis in archive’s tissues, tumor molecular pathology, Prof. Vincenzo Eusebi Director of the Department of Oncology at the University of Bologna world leader pathologist in breast cancer; Annalisa Pession, Ass. Prof., University of Bologna,molecular pathologist – Alessandro Vindigni, PhD, Group Leader of ICGEB Proteomic Group, DNA repair mechanisms, proteomic analyses-Serena Bonin, PhD, quantitative analyses in AT, Luca Morandi, PhD, Coordinates molecular diagnosis, Stanislava Miertusova, PhD, Microbial persistence in AT. Early Researchers: Stefano Pozzi Mucelli, MS, proteomic analysis in fresh and archive’s tissues, Francesca Petrera, MS, quantitative analysis in AT, Massimiliano Luchi, MS, nanotechnology for molecular analysis, Isabella Dotti, diagnostic kits in AT.

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
