IoPG Graz - Institute of Pathology, Medical University of Graz
Prof. Helmut Popper
The IoPG lung cell biology and tissue culture facilities (Laboratories for Molecular Cytogenetics, Environmental and Lung Pathology, head Prof. Popper) will be available for project studies in addition to expertise in lung pathology and the lung tissue collection comprising all different kinds of lung tumors (established since 1986). Tissue microarrays are also available for major lung carcinomas but in addition also for some rare tumors. In a recent EU-granted investigation a collection of rare pulmonary diseases has been established from all over Europe, which can be used in different ways.
Prof. Dr. Helmut Popper is an internationally renowned specialist in pulmonary pathology, chairman of the European Working Group on Pulmonary Pathology (European Society of Pathology), chairman of the Latin-American-European Working Group on Pulmonary Pathology (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Patologia). He has published more than 140 scientific reports, written chapters for standard books in Pulmonary Pathology, and is Associate Editor of Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Editorial Board Member of Virchows Archiv. Iris Halbwedl is a technician working in the Laboratory will be working full time within the project, she has published articles in international journals. Elvira Stacher has done her thesis work in the laboratory and started her residency in the Institute. She will be working within the project.
The laboratories are equipped with a conventional cell culture facility as well as a facility for culturing cell lines in microgravidity. Immunohistochemistry, tissue microarray technology, and different molecular genetic methods can be used for the project. Array-CGH, classical CGH, and cDNA-array facilities PCR are available as are Taqman-PCR.
Experienced researchers: Prof. Dr. Helmut Popper is an internationally renowned specialist in pulmonary pathology, chairman of the European Working Group on Pulmonary Pathology (European Society of Pathology), chairman of the Latin-American-European Working Group on Pulmonary Pathology (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Patologia). He has published more than 140 scientific reports, written chapters for standard books in Pulmonary Pathology, and is Associate Editor of Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Editorial Board Member of Virchows Archiv. Iris Halbwedl is a technician working in the Laboratory will be working full time within the project, she has published articles in international journals. Elvira Stacher has done her thesis work in the laboratory and started her residency in the Institute. She will be working within the project.