Impacts > Partners > RUNMC

RUNMC - Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center

Prof. JHJM van Krieken
The department of pathology in the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre was the place where for the first time in the world nucleic acids were hybrydized to tissue sections in the early 80’s of the previous centre. This technique is now used in diagnostic pathology on a daily base. Furthermore the chairman of the department is a leader in the field of clonality testing using DNA from haematological malignancies, being the pathology coordinator of the Biomed 2 program on clonality testing (Biomed-2 concerted action PL 96-3936). Presently a project is coordinatedJJ to implement the detection of chromosomal translocation in lymphomas by split signel FISH in 8 European countries. The department caries many research projects in the field of molecular pathology covering areas like head and neck cancer, melanoma, malignant lymphomas, colorectal cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer brain tumors and others. Molecular techniques are used in the diagnostic practice, including MSI-testing, array-CGH, RNA and DNA-in situ hybridization, rtPCR, clonality testing. The department has a large tissue bank including fresh frozen material. Financial sources include government, local, third party and commercial grants.

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center
